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Problems with optical fiber Optical module
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Problems with optical fiber Optical module

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-17      Origin: Site

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SC-APC 1x8

1. The Power light does not light up

Power failure

2. If the LOS light does not light up, there must be the following faults:

(a) The optical cable from the computer room to the user end has been disconnected.

(b) The slot between the SC tail fiber and the fiber optic transceiver is not properly inserted or has been disconnected.

3. If the Link light does not light up, there may be the following situations:

(a) Check if the fiber optic line is open circuit;

(b) Check if the fiber optic line has excessive losses that exceed the equipment's acceptance range.

(c) Check if the fiber optic interface is connected correctly, the local TX is connected to the remote RX, and the remote TX is connected to the local RX.

(d) Check whether the fiber optic connector is properly inserted into the device interface, whether the jumper type matches the device interface, whether the device type matches the fiber optic, and whether the device transmission length matches the distance.

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