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Five ways to improve the flexibility and reliability of optical fiber jumping lines.1.25g 1311nm smf sfp module manufacture
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Five ways to improve the flexibility and reliability of optical fiber jumping lines.1.25g 1311nm smf sfp module manufacture

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1. Pay attention to the curved radius of the fiber jump line. Generally speaking, the curved radius of the optical fiber jump line with a diameter of 1.6mm and 3.0mm cannot be less than 3.5cm, while the curved radius of the MPO optical fiber jumping line cannot be less than 10 times the diameter of its diameter.

2. Do not pull or squeeze the fiber jump line (as shown in the figure below). When installing the optical fiber jump line, the excessive force may put pressure on the optical fiber jump line and the connectors at both ends, which affects its performance.

3. Manage the optical fiber jumping line by binding or lintering can make the panel look neat, but if the fiber jump line is tied or tied too tightly, the risk of overly squeezing will increase (as shown in the figure below).

4. Tags are a necessary task for network system administrators and one of the most important tasks. Any management point (including the wiring board) of the network wiring infrastructure must be correctly marked so that network technicians can accurately find the starting point and end point of the optical cable.

5. Check whether there is physical damage in the fiber jump line, including the indentation and connecter damage caused by the sudden bend of the sheet (as shown in the figure below).

Strengthening the management of optical fiber jumping lines can not only improve the reliability and flexibility of the fiber optic network system, but also reduce the operation and maintenance costs of the fiber optic network. I hope that the introduction of Ruhai Optoelectronics will help you manage the fiber jump line.

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