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Application analysis of high -speed light modules.epon onu huawei compatible Vendor
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Application analysis of high -speed light modules.epon onu huawei compatible Vendor

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24Port L3 Core Switch

In recent years, large enterprises such as Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have been building new data centers, which has stimulated the growth of the light module market. The capacity of the light module market has continued to increase. High -speed light module with a rate of 40G and above.

High -speed light modules often encounter the following problems in the application of data centers:

① Increased interference: From one collection and one round to more, it is easy to cause increased interference, resulting in unstable link operation;

② Great power consumption: 40G/100G light module is high -speed modules, which consumes more power at high speed and is easy to heat up;

③ The transmission distance is limited: the distance of the low -speed light module can reach 120km, but the transmission distance of the high -speed light module is used in the internal interconnection of the data center. The external interconnection is not enough. It has its popularity.

④ Excessive cost: The price of high -speed light modules is relatively high, and the construction cost in the entire data center is not low.

Due to the increasing construction of large data centers, the application market's requirements for bandwidth are also increasing, the value of high -speed light modules is also increasing, and good light module manufacturers are becoming more and more popular.

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