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2022 Development trends of the optical module industry
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2022 Development trends of the optical module industry

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-13      Origin: Site

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This article will take a look at some of the biggest trends in the optical module industry in 2021. The first trend is the growth of market sales in the industry as a whole. Driven by the construction of data centers, the expansion of network capacity, and the acceleration of fiber to the home projects, most optical communication companies are seeing an increase in sales. In addition, it is worth noting that the leading domestic optical module enterprises began to accelerate the layout of high-end optical module industry.

The second trend is the increasing demand for 5G optical modules. In terms of 5G wireless network, as of August 2020, the number of 5G base stations built in China has exceeded 480,000, and the number of 5G network terminal connections has exceeded 100 million. According to the prediction of relevant institutions, by the end of 2021, 1.3 million 5G base stations will be built. The shipment of 5G pretransmission optical modules will reach 27 million. At present, in terms of 5G optical modules, the scale production capacity of 5G bearing optical modules is basically ready, and the standardization of high-speed optical modules has also begun to accelerate. With the development of 5G network, it has been widely used in many fields, such as transportation, medical, energy and other vertical industries.

The third trend is that the data center module light toward the higher the rate of development, a new round of science and technology and industrial revolution is booming, the data center as the data processing computing center of information, is shouldering the important mission, particularly for the modern large-scale data center, the demand of the high rate of light module and fiber resources demand is very big.

According to relevant organizations, data center traffic will become the main traffic of the backbone transport network in the future, which will have an important impact on the entire network architecture. According to the overall development of data center interconnection, the corresponding equipment requirements will also change. The first is the need for large capacity and long-distance transmission. Secondly, it can be flexibly deployed to realize real-time service opening and adjustment and low latency transmission.

The fourth trend is the construction of "new infrastructure" such as 5G and big data centers, which not only drives the demand for optical modules, but also creates new market opportunities for specialty cables. The above is the four major development trends of the 2022 optical module industry. For more information, please refer to the previous article.

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